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Jay Lippy

Jay believes that success in leadership is the culmination of appropriately applying ourselves to the opportunities we encounter. This requires an ongoing endeavor to increase our professional and personal capacity while fully understanding our limitations so we are able to seize these occasions as they arise.


From effective communication to conflict management to leadership development to marriage coaching, together, with his wife Dr. Phyl Lippy, they integrate scholarly concepts and terminology with an easy to embrace process.  Harmonizing empirical data derived from decades of scientific research, their down to earth approach removes subjectivity from some of life’s most challenges issues. The results are phenomenal and they are enabling leaders and professionals to maximize their potential – personally AND professionally.


Now, after working with some of the Bay Area’s most gifted leaders Jay is applying

his years of experience in leadership to help build MedVids, LLC into the Bay Area’s fastest growing medical video production companies. By understanding the multifaceted levels of human interaction, MedVids is able not only to produce a high quality product, it does so in a manner that shows respect to the sensitivity and individuality of each patients journey to health and the professionals who help make it possible.


If you are looking for a company that is as interested in how they do business as they are the details of what they do, MedVids is the company for you. They believe the Rotary’s Four-Way test in more than a clever slogan, it is the way they do business: 1. Is it the Truth. 2. Is it Fair to all concerned. 3. Will it build Good Will and better friendships. 4. Will it be Beneficial to all concerned.


How can we serve you?

The place to turn for all of your medical video needs

Contact Information


P.O. Box 7481

Clearwater, FL 33758




(813) 924-7525 Jay